Business Update 2023-2024
Updated 10/12/2023 at 22:00 Central.
There is something changing in 2023 for my business. Doing shadow work I have realized where my fulfillment lies:
Working directly with people
Mentorship and education
Science meets spirituality
So what does that mean for the business moving forward?
1. Themed crystal events are coming to an end March 2024. I am so grateful and have had so much success with it. I have sold out of my inventory EACH MONTH since piloting this in July 2023. All thanks to all of you!The remainder of the themed crystal events are:
Nerd November in November 2023
Christmas Vacation in December 2023
January-March 2024 will be “THE GREAT DESTASHING”
2. Intuitive bracelets are here to stay for now but will only be offered during lives I do or when having a reading. They’ve been so popular but I know 3 other people who make them and can refer!
3. I will be doing recordings, trainings, videos and moving my social media presence from a clinical educator (therapy) and mentor (experienced past life reader and spiritualist) to bring science and spirituality to a head in my work and in this field.
4. I’m finishing my book. Long overdue.
5. My podcast Skull Meatloaf will be focused on as when I do, they get great feedback and consistent followers. It’s been neglected and I’ve been inconsistent. It’s been with me since the beginning of the pandemic and wildly healing.
Please keep following and connecting. Although my shift will be education and readings, I hope you’ll stay along for the ride for inspiration and I’d love to keep supporting YOU and your businesses.
Evolve and Heal On, My Friends.