Mental Health Provider Appreciation Day

NOTE: I did a podcast on this 5/1/2023, if you are more of an auditory learner: Episode on Apple Podcasts. NOTE: Skull Meatloaf Podcast with Anne C. Totero is on all major platforms. It is Season 5, Episode 10.

Let’s start simple: May 12 is Mental Health Provider Appreciation Day.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

I don’t just appreciate this month because I’m a therapist, or in mental health recovery, or lost a family member to suicide, or because I am a clinical educator.

I believe in my core Mental Health Awareness Month is about connection, education, remembering you’re not alone even on the loneliest of days. The importance of resources, people sharing their story and the beauty of those who help us when we think the world is better without us.

If you forgot it’s better with you in it?

Please reach out to a friend, an ER Or dial 9-8-8 as this is the National Support Number.
Dialing 2-1-1 gets you to help for resources as a human with any situation including mental health.

And on the other line is a crisis worker. One example of a Mental Health Provider.

One of the many reasons we are talking about the title topic today - I created and advocated for Mental Health Provider Appreciation Day starting in 2020. Yes, my colleagues at work lovingly tease me, “You made friggin’ holiday.” The unofficial start was May 12, 2020 where it was noted in the National Day Archives. Look: Here.

After two years of advocacy with the State of Wisconsin, as of May 12, 2022 it is now a proclamation; making it the next official step! I received the notification it’s proclaimed in 2023 again. Due to it gaining traction, I wanted to answer some frequently asked questions.

When did this happen?

It was officially proclaimed by Tony Evers the governor of Wisconsin on May 12, 2022. It’s a thing. Proclamation found Here. That’s the simple answer but I want to share more!

When I got involved in mental health, there was no therapist day or mental health provider day. That was over a decade ago! Then when I started this process in 2020, there still wasn’t an appreciation day. Instead of sitting on it for another decade, I decided to take a step and start the process.

In 2020 during the pandemic, I was faced with my own fears, mortality, health realities alongside everyone else. It has forever changed me and us. We now know both in research and lived experience: our brains processed this as grief and for some: trauma. Cortisol and responses in our body shifted. It rewrote our cells. Something that was secure seemed less so.

People were moving into panic especially with me working in healthcare; we knew we were the front lines. The emails were scary, I’m not going to lie. I was scared. Just like everyone else. I was confused. I was jumbled. In a fog. And I had to go back to work not only to support my clients, my team, myself and find purpose some days. I was nervous and unsure but it was better to go because I needed to Channel that fear to help others.

I volunteered on the stress management line in addition to my duties working with clients. This was a support hotline for hospital staff working during this time.

I watched all my mental health colleagues step in and step up among other healthcare workers. It’s what we do. We serve. Just as nurses and doctors etc. we were helping support front line workers. We were their lifeline one days they didn’t want to come back or stay even a moment longer. And who could blame them? I was happy to do it. I felt and still feel honored to support our incredible hospital staff and other front line workers during this time.

This moves into the question: What are the reasons I created Mental Health Provider Appreciation Day?

I was worried about people looking at it and saying, “People are worse off.” Or even worse, accusing me of comparing my pain or trauma to someone else’s. It wasn’t about comparing, it was a feeling of “Unseen.”

I thought, “I haven’t heard one article or person or anyone mention mental health providers during this crisis.” Even though there was a deeper epidemic in the pandemic. We weren’t considered front line workers which was defined as people who were required to keep doing their jobs to keep things afloat. Even if you Google front line workers now, I haven’t seen one major article source mention mental health providers. For some of us, our caseloads doubled and due to people losing jobs, sometimes volunteering time and expertise.

Starting this movement wasn’t to say we are better than or more important. It’s to show people who work in mental health THEY are seen, too. They hold value. They deserve space. They matter as they help others remember they matter.

The hashtag I started using on social media was: #YouMatterToo

Mental Health Provider Appreciation Day was to show them they’re seen.

There are some who say, “It’s what you signed up for.” I have been a therapist for over a decade and am an AAMFT Approved Supervisor and clinical educator: There is no way to prepare or know what you are in for. Because it changes so much and so rapidly. The pandemic is a prime example. How could we be prepared? Showing appreciation or validation isn’t about agreeing with what we do. It’s just recognizing we do something. Bare minimum. Mental health providers matter. They help save lives everyday.

So, I took it to National Day Archives. They approved it but to make it a premium day, I needed to turn to crowd-funding which I did. I raised the money in 2 days. And then I spent 2 years advocating with legal entities to make a proclamation.

Why mental health providers and not just therapists?

As therapists and supervisors and clinical educators ? I don’t believe we work in a silo. I believe mental health recovery takes a team and connection. Celebrating only one prong of the team felt like a disservice.

Who does it include then?

The list is expansive but it’s any provider who helps those with mental health. BIG LIST!!! That’s on purpose to show how people need a team, a community, a wraparound. It’s not just one area that helps.

There is no way I can mention everyone but here are a small amount: peer specialists, psychiatrists, prescribers, crisis workers, law enforcement, hospital staff, ER staff, nurses, volunteers, mentors, coaches, school staff, administrative teams, leaders, recruiters who get providers in the doors, financial staff, front desk, back desk, side desk, insurance agents who work in utilization review, advocates, public speakers, writers, creators, policy writers, educators, influencers that talk about mental health, not for profits, our friends and our parents and loved ones, caregivers, therapy animals and dogs and ESAs! Provider to me does not stop at the human skin. It’s for any living creature showing other living creatures that connecting even until the next day can be enough.

This appreciation day is for the providers of care who are there when someone sticks out a hand and says: “I need help. I can’t take it. I can’t do this anymore. I’m so tired. I’m exhausted. I know I need help but I don’t know how. I don’t know where to go.”

The people who remind others that they matter?

You matter, too.

You. Matter. Too.

What are ways I can say “Thank you?”

Say just that. To any mental health provider. One you know. One who helped you or your family. Share how they helped. Ask them what keeps them coming back or got them into this work.

What’s next for this day?

We just got approved for a 2nd year by Tony Evers of Wisconsin. May 12, 2023 is the next step and spreading more awareness! Then we move to 2024 and move to more states, counties, and eventually the country. Then the world. I want media to sing it from the rooftops every May 12!

And when you’re in need: Reach out. 9-8-8 or a call to a loved one. Even if you are a provider who is having a hard day. Please.

Keep healing and helping where and when you can.

And as I say in my podcast: Evolve and heal on, my friend. Any way you know how.

Thank you for all you do, from the bottom of my soul. It reinstates my faith in this work everyday.


Anne C. Totero

Anne C. Totero, LLC is a business promoting self-evolution, faith, and healing on your own terms.

Being an AAMFT Approved Supervisor is like…


Mental Health Awareness Month 101