“Combining Science and Spirituality” in my Small Business Explained
I have been a therapist and spiritualist for 10+ years.
Service is one of my top three values within my personal and professional life. Service to others and to myself. And in this belief system holds an ethical commitment to the betterment of the human race to the best of my ability with the information I have. Service includes the commitment to research and self-evolution so I am working hard alongside, so I am practicing what I am preaching. Service is a commitment to ongoing education, consultation, and consideration. Service is a commitment to diversity and equity, and underlying belief in cultural humility. One cannot be in service of others if they are not open to experience and walks of life.
Belief systems are often where science and spirituality meet. It is an exception to see these on the same platform of conversation because they don’t have the best history with one another. Oscillating views can create high tensions and often either an avoidance of the topic or a lack of tolerance. Most of people’s experiences and sometimes even aversion to a belief can also be associated with trauma, ancestral or in their lifetimes. Another barrier is also lack of knowledge or experience. Those who have been wronged by medical providers or medical field, I see turning to spirituality. And those with a trauma history or negative experiences in their family or themselves from religious organizations or beliefs, they turn to science.
What are the reasons I combine science and spirituality in my small business?
1. I believe in science. I have seen the wonders re: scientific discoveries and interventions have helped, save, and prolong healthier lives. We are scientific beings as long as we are in real or perceived human skin. Our body including our hearts and lungs help us live another day so we can evolve.
2. I believe in spirituality. Spirituality in its basic working definition is finding something meaningful both within and bigger than ourselves. This can be friends, God, gods, universes, Mother Earth, atoms, baseball, and more. I have seen spirituality provide hope in the darkest of nights when science did not have the answer or people were faced with grief, mortality and things we have no control over.
3. They work well alongside when there is tolerance, commitment to growth, and balance. They work well when communities work together to understand rather than close down. It’s essential to know: Humans work better with other people than they do alone (i.e., despite what our Emo teenager self may say).
4. I have had a deep belief science and spirituality are often discussing the same topics and trying to find similar answers to standard questions humans tend to ask themselves: Purpose, Meaning, Belief, Value.
5. Believing in something bigger than our human skin has been shown to assist with fulfillment and quality of life. I do not choose sides, whether that's academic and scientific beliefs OR spirituality and religious beliefs.
6. I wanted a safe place where a person can heal on their own terms, any way they now how, at any pace that works for them. My largest rule: as long as there is no malicious intent and/or does not harm yourself or anyone else.
7. I want to start representing what I truly believe in: Slow Medicine. Medical providers who represent supporting a human being from an evolutionary perspective. The recognition that we are living longer lives than ever and how to incorporate multiple variations of health and healing in an office. Divorcing band-aid care and quick fixes and desire to grind culture shortcuts. The movement to supporting a human being as a holistic being and not one avenue will always have the answers.
8. You can see how this is going the opposite way the wheels are turning in the healing industry. Yet for me? This is how necessary change happens. I have never done what is easy, and will continue to do what is right:
9. I have experience as a medical provider and a spiritualist for over a decade. I have worked and still work in education and academic healthcare. I have worked and still work as a past life reader, intuitive, and spiritualist. Both: for over a decade.
10. I walk the walk. I practice what I preach. I have found in my body, heart, mind, and soul that I have been more fulfilled when I allow space and time for science and for spiritual belief systems.
And above all, I believe in:
Protecting Rights.
Ethical Care.
Human as a Whole Human.
Evolution as a Scientific Being.
The Right to Belief Systems.
The Right to Medical Care.
And those are in no order of importance. As I look at the future of my business and what it holds: I will continue to embrace these approaches and beliefs in ethical ways to help and put good faith effort into the care for my clients and patients, their loved ones, communities, and the human race as a whole.
I am curious: What do you believe in that gives you fulfullment?
As always? Evolve and heal on, my friends. On your own terms, any way you know how, at any pace.